Monday, 16 September 2013

2 Police Officers in Anhui Witness Girl Being Killed Without Stopping It, the Police: It Wasn’t Because They Were Afraid of Dying

People’s Daily Online Bengbu, August 22 news — On the afternoon of August 18, a murder happened in Anhui Province Bengbu City Yuhui District Macheng Town: A 17-year-old female supermarket cashier was murdered after being stabbed over 10 times by the killer.
Surveillance footage during the crime showed: While the girl was being choked by the killer and stabbed to death, two police officers stood right in front of them, yet dared not to go forward to stop it. Not until the perpetrator stabbed himself and fell to the ground did the two policemen go forward to subdue him. The two policemen’s behavior was strongly and angrily condemned by the family members of the deceased.

Anhui, China - Surveillance footage shows two Chinese police officers failing to stop a man from murdering a young girl.

Failing to Stop Murder

Three weeks ago, surveillance footage of a supermarket in Anhui captured two police officers failing to stop the murder of a young woman right in front of their eyes, inciting heated condemnation from Chinese netizens nationwide. Within days, the police department of these officers declared that the two officers were not derelict in their duty for failing to stop the killing….
From Sina:

The Two Policemen in Anhui Who Witnessed the Murder of a Young Girl Without Effectively Stopping It Have Been Held Accountable

People’s Daily Online, Hefei, September 11 report (Reporter Zhanglei) — This People’s Daily Online Anhui Channel reporter has gotten news from relevant departments that the two police officers previously reported by this website in “Two Bengbu Police Officers Witness Young Girl Being Killed, Was Very Close But Failed to Step Forward Bravely” on August 21st have been held accountable. The Bengbu City Public Security Bureau has decided: Remove Song X from his position as political instructor of the Macheng Police Station, give administrative demerit, and transfer out public security organizations; Give administrative demerit to police officer Cui X, and transfer out public security organizations.


  1. It's so ridiculous for the police to sit on their hands while a crime was happening. This is totally intolerable! But I believe it won't happen in Hong Kong.

  2. Being a police, the one should have a moral responsibility. Also, I think the two policemen should do some self-reflections on their own other than punishments.

    Catherine from virtual pop cults
