Wednesday, 4 September 2013

Hello! Welcome to this blog.

I started this place as a sharing space with my students on the course Bilingual Cyber Culture at Lingnan University, Hong Kong.

If language is power, then those who command more than one language also command particular privileges – especially in an age of information and globalization. I'd like to explore the magnificent cyber world with my students, paying special attention to the increasingly prominent existence of bilingual web publishing and blogging. Specifically, the students will learn how bilingual presentations in Chinese and English facilitate individuals and communities to create social impact.

Those engaged in bilingual cyber publication may be called “cultural translators”, as they appropriate and re-contextualize information, news and opinions across linguistic and cultural borders. By examining exemplary bilingual websites and blogs, we become usefully aware of the complex dynamics between language use and identity (race, gender, class etc.), social networking, (trans-)nationalism, activism, transcultural fusion and global economy in the 21st century.


  1. Hi, I'm Sabrina. Enrique, Miller, Vincent, Yobi and I formed a group. We created a new gmail account and a blog called Bilingualsmurf. Our blog address is:


  2. Great to see you here! I'll make a visit in your garden.

  3. Hello everyone! I would like to tell you that the SWAN is ready. What is SWAN? Click to find out:

  4. Hi, We are Candice, Percy, Dorothy and Nicole. We would like to share our new blog with you. Hope you'll like it!^^

    Have a nice weekend!

  5. Hi, I'm Vanessa. Emily, Heidi, Natalie and I formed a group. We created a new gmail account and a blog called cle9008(Vanessa Heidi Natalie Emily). Our blog address is:

    Thank you for your attention.

  6. Dear professor Chan:
    I am Cath, in your Bilingual Cyber Culture Class on Wednesday and Friday. Catherine, Coco, April, Summi and I formed a group of 5. We have created a bolg at Blogspot, you are most welcome to visit our blog at we havent post anything on it so far -v-)

    Best wishes,
    The Virtual Pop Cults

    1. Hey dear Virtual Pop Cults, I love your name and I'm eagerly waiting for your posts. Please bring them on!

  7. Dear Dr. Red and other bloggers,

    Please pay a visit to our newly started blog: Bilingual Kaleidoscope which features a variety of topics. Come and leave us a comment and tell us what you like. We welcome all ideas (which benefit everyone).

    ☆★ Here's the link to our blog: ☆★

    Yours sincerely,
    Bilingual Kaleidoscope
    (Hedy,Marcella,Meris,Wing and Weixiang Ma)
